MiAna Place - Evolution Pro-Ana Web Site Forum

Terms Of Service

By subscribing to and entering MiAna Place, you certify the following information and understand that we are relying on such certification and agreement to these terms of service for allowing entry into the site. You hereby certify under unsworn declaration of perjury the following:

1. That you are 13 years of age or older.

2. That you are familiar with all local laws in your area affecting your legal right to access the materials found on this site.

3. That you have the legal right to access this websites materials and MiAna Place has the legal right to transmit them to you; that you are requesting these materials for your own private personal use and that you will never share these materials with anyone under the age of 13 or in ANY WAY make these materials available to anyone under the age of 13.

4. That you have knowingly and willingly entered this website.

5. That you are not here to disrupt the operation of this website.

6. That you accept that MiAna Place and eating disorders exists, and know that others are here for eating disorder support.

7. That you will not use this website against anyone in any conceivable manner.

8. That you will not redistribute ANY portion of this website in whole or in part, make this website public, link to this website, nor have the contents of this website as public performance.

9. That you are not here to discriminate, bash, flame, or cause disruption among anyone on this website.

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Entering by any other circumstance is perjury and can be punishable by law.

© 2003 - 2025 MiAna Place