MiAna Place - Evolution Pro-Ana Web Site Forum

MiAna Place Renovations

July 6th 2023
Happy Birthday MiAna
A very special birthday announcement to MiAna. :) Today marks two decades of "the pink". So hard to believe that it was 20 years ago I launched this site, with no idea how big it would become over the years. Many inceptions, many versions of the forums, and a whole lot of take downs back when anything remotely "pro" was being taken down for absolutely no reason but the fact "professionals" hated it.
It has been lots of work keeping this place up (and despite it seeming to disappear for a couple years, there has always been a MiAna someplace on the net). Would I do it all over again? Of course! :D
Again, Happy 20th birthday MiAna. ALL members, past and present made it all possible making this one of the oldest ED support communities on the net.
(I guess one piece of cake is ok to celebrate? lol)

March 13th 2023
Lets make 13 lucky with yet another update. Added to the Library section is a page for other eating disorders such as Pica, Orthorexia, Body Dismorphic, ect. all listed on the one page. Plus for Advice a page for first aid tips if you have self injured and need some assistance in dealing with the aftermath. I also added a little pop-up widget on site that will list if anyone is currently in the chatroom, with direct link to the rooms page. The widget times out after 20 seconds, may make it longer depending on feedback. Minor cosmetical improvements too. Until the next time, be strong everyone.

March 1st 2023
Never too soon for another update. This time added to the Advice section is a Beauty Tips page that I had for here ages ago and never got around to putting it up. Also a page dedicated to those on here with a friend or family member with eating disorders seeking advice on how best to hadle the situation. After all they are looking for answers too. Did some cosmetical tweaks to the site, and readjusted some of the calculators for a better mobile viewing experience and usability. Updated the PWA version to reflect this as well. Enjoy.

Febuary 25th 2023
It must be time for another update, and there is. The forum portion now has a Like button to thank others for posts, aka like the post. Also a portal page is on the forum as well now, which shows various links, information, news and announcements reguarding the community all in one convienient spot. For the website portion, added are a couple resources to the Help Hotline section for drug and alcohol addiction, plus another for survivors and facilitators of domestic abuse. Last but not least is finally the guestbook has been added to the site and is ready to sign, so please do. Until the next update be strong and take care everyone.

May 3rd 2022
Finally got the mobility issues fixed and now the whole site is mobile compliant. Not only that but the PWA passed all tests 100 percent. That means MiAna has just made history by being the first pro ana site that is also a fully installable and working mobile web app. Quite possibly the first eating disorder support site to do so. MiAna just keeps on innovating. The forum will also be getting it's own app, and yes that guestbook is coming soon. New stuff added this time is the Helpful Hotlines, listing phone numbers and site links to various support services world wide. Plus an ED Recovery advice page for tips and information about recovering from eating disorders. Until next time, stay strong and take care.

April 25th 2022
The pinkest proana site on the internet is back! Everything is basically done with the site, chatroom ready, the forum is up and accepting new memberships too. It's almost like how it began 19 years ago with a new site and forum launch. Some known issues however. One, the guestbook is not available as of yet, but will be very soon. The other is some of the calculators is causing layout breakage on cell phone mode. That is being worked on too. Hope you all enjoy the relaunch of MiAna. Do take care.

April 17th 2022:
MiAna Place is currently being rebooted and is under reconstruction. This conception of MiAna will be a blend of the former MiAna Land with the former House Of Thin, both sites owned by me (Mandi). The reson for this merger for the reboot of what is been dubbed The Pink will become apparent when the site is completed and once again available. Keep checking in for further information.

© 2003 - 2025 MiAna Place